The Back-to-School Hustle

Every year I am filled with equal amounts of excitement and anxiousness when back to school hits.  

The kids’ activities are mostly during the day in the summer which means we can have dinner together most evenings (and Thad’s cooking) - such a treat!

But then I realize they are driving me crazy.  A million phone calls while I’m working, the kitchen counter is full of crumbs and smudges, socks on the coffee table, and snack wrappers EVERYWHERE!

But, with the quiet school days come crazy nights. Most nights require two drivers, and every night requires a dinner plan because you see, our kids are spoiled…

Chef’s children don’t want a turkey sandwich, or a bowl of cereal, or anything simple. No not a chef’s child. They want a hot meal with protein, vegetables, starch, and probably a salad to start.  Oh, and then of course they expect us to make enough for them to pack in their lunch the next day too.

Most days we manage a cooking situation but for those days when we can’t quite swing it…

I go onto my PC at lunch, pre-order a 101 family meal, and pick it up on my way home!  

We get a break, the kids get a great dinner, and if I get two there is lunch for the next day.

To all you parents out there - good luck with back to school and figuring out how to make it all work.